Thursday, October 29, 2009

November 2009

Why don’t we all agree to read a book a month, but we each pick our own. Then, at the end of the month we all do two things: 1) we all review our books, give a favorite quote, a highlight, say if you’d recommend it for our kids to read –something—anything (by the way, when I say “book” I really mean anything readable. It could be the newspaper, the Ensign, Money Magazine, books of scripture. . . . etc. Just so we can share what we are learning, thinking about, liking,. . . etc. Maybe have some of our kids report too). 2) give any recommendations for the next month (that way if some people want to read the same thing, they can).


Johnny said...

I will be reading The Bourne Supremacy by Robert Ludlum. I will also be reading the conference talks from this year. What is everyone else reading?

shelly said...

I just read Gift from the Sea last month and it was fantastic. Just as a disclaimer: I believe it was really written for women.

I will probably be reading a book about how to make my kids listen and obey. I haven't found this book yet but if any of you know the title, I'd be most obliged.

And I will be finishing writing a (short) book this month for Lisa's kids. I'm only telling you all that so that you can ask me if I finished! Keep me honest!

Johnny said...

The Bourne Supremacy was great! I can recommend it. As all books seem to be, it is pretty different from the movie. I'm talking about fairly major plot changes. In fact, because of the differences between the first book and first movie, the subsequent books and movies don't match up at all. The character Bourne is the only consistency. The first movie kills off main characters that play big roles in the second and third book. Anyway, my point is that these books are enjoyable even if you've seen the movies because they're not the same.

I'm working my way through The Bourne Ultimatum now. Michelle and I have also started Fablehaven. I'll let her review that one.

Happy reading.

shelly said...

Welp, I didn't finish the book but not one of you called me on it, so- ha!
I did read Dicken's Christmas Carol and if you have seen 2 or 3 different Christmas Carols you have probably gotten the gist of the book. It's still a great story though.
I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice (for like the 5 time at least) and I can already tell you my review. 10 enthusiastic stars! Love it! Witty, charming, you'll laugh, you'll cry!

Unknown said...

Well, I know it isn't November anymore, but I'm still going to reply to the November Post...

Right now, I'm reading "The Water Mirror" by Kai Meyer. It's a sort of fantasy novel tailored mostly to young adults, but an interesting read so far. It's about an orphan in Venice who becomes an apprentice for a Magic Mirror maker. There are all sorts of mythical creatures including mermaids and flying lions. It might be a little much for young'ns, but I'll let you know if it's worth the time...

Unknown said...

So I finished "The Water Mirror". It's a pretty entertaining read. I would recommend it. There are some villians that are from "hell" so it's not necessarily for the young'ns. The only complaint that I have is it isn't wrapped up by the end of the book. It's apparently part of a trilogy (which I didn't realize) so I now have to read the other 2 books. Oh well... what else was I going to do?...

shelly said...

Thanks for the recommend. I might just see if I can pick that up (if I can ever finish P&P- that is a LONG book)
P&P is still amazing though. I find myself holding my breath in anticipation while I'm listening to it. I have read it SO many times and I know exactly what is going to be said but I'm still so engrossed it's silly. I think this is a credit to the author though. Good work Ms. Austen.

shelly said...

P&P still fantastic.
Going to start a book called Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. We'll see if I like it or not, I'm getting it as a promo for the book series.

shelly said...

Don't like it.
Don't read it.
As if anyone is reading any of this anyways.